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The Word of God Series | Eric Scot English

The Word of God Series

In the series “Is the Bible the WORD of GOD” we explore the ways in which the Church has used the title “Word of God” incorrectly; and how that incorrect usage has resulted in the idolization of scripture.

The Bible is NOT the WORD OF GOD: a polemic against Christendom

Is the Bible the Word of God? The bible is not the WORD OF GOD. And if we believe it as such, then we have made the bible into an idol. The bible has become the Church’s idol. It is the Golden Calf of our day. The ancient Hebrews had taken the God of their forefathers and formed him into…

The Bible is NOT the Word of God: Postscript (Part 2)

Is the Bible the word of God? Read the first article Read the third article A brief note on the form of things: Last April I wrote a post titled The Bible is NOT the WORD OF GOD: a polemic against Christendom. The article was meant to be a provocation towards rethinking the way we speak about the bible. The…

The Bible is NOT the Word of God (Part 3)

The Bible is NOT the Word of God, or is it? Sometimes I wonder if we really believe in the Holy Spirit. We certainly acknowledge the existence of the Holy Spirit in our creeds and confessions. We talk about the Holy Spirit in church and in theology classes. We even grant the Holy Spirit its own day – Pentecost Sunday….